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Bodies was created in relation to Lucille Iverson's poem, Outrage. While the poem as a whole can be an empowering message for women, segmented it becomes questionable in its meaning. Bodies consists of female identifying bodies, varying in ethnicity, shape, size, and color, which hold fragmented portions of Lucille's poem painted on parts of the body that are either places of pride or places of dissatisfaction. Each model was given the option of exposing as much or as little of their body they felt comfortable with. 


It is not so much
But being cooked
That gets me;
When the chicken goes
In the oven
I’ll be caught there too-
My head in the
Oven along with the
Gizzards and lungs-
One wing Caught
With mine-
Heart, liver, entrails
Boiled to a pink
Tasty succulence and then

Impaled on your
Incubi  I
Will not be nor
Stay to argue why
Not. I
Who abandoned all
Who professed to love me-
Mother, father, brothers, aunts
Uncles, cousins, husband, child-
Know what love means:
Is that which detains;
That magic of detention which you
Need from me,
But which tears a

The power of life is the
Integration of life is the
Integration of energy and
If you disintegrate,    I
Will not help you,
If you spatter
Red and bitter and
Rotten on the sidewalk, I
Will not pick you up
Nor suckle you nor
Bathe your wounds nor
Mend your torn socks, - I
A year ago would have said:
“Nestle your little broken head
On your mammy’s breast,

You poor, broken

Child of the Universe”,
But now I say
Scram;  -I
May glance your way to
Laugh, and I
May toss you a penny,
For you, who have

Condemned me as
Witch, as
Mother,  -I
Have no more
Any pity,
For you who have
Despised me as
Succubi, as
Ball-breaker   -I


Tell you, you puke in
Your own folly.
My passion is
Mine, nor am I
Vampire, nor
Banshee, nor
Screamer, nor
Waiting;  -I
Have turned away and  I
Face a distance I
Have not run,   -I
Raise my fist beside the
Door of My Dreams and I
Take Time,
My Time,
All of it
In my Hands.


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